Banda Aceh – At last, the official website of the year team release the winner of USA’s web site of the year 2008 with 1522694 voter (why only USA choice, USA is not the powerful country again, isn’t :). When i see the name of the winner, i see a strange or funny name for a website. Like zylom,boorah,vimeo,ziddu,etc. That inspiring me that if we named a website address it not must be a name which familiar. The word can be a different name, so people can remember the name easy :), Right…:), Ok, Here is the winners, congratulation…by the way I’ll be wait for Indonesia’s Website of year 2008 too.

Most popular media sharing site

Best automotive site
Most popular automotive site

Best fun & games site
Most popular fun & games site

Best news site

Best non profit site

Unicef –
Most popular non profit site

Most popular search & find site


From : Websiteoftheyear

To Be continued….

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