Tag: laptop

  • Top 5 Ultraportable Laptops 2008

    Ideal for the mobile professional, these notebooks stand out for their low weight and small footprint. Ratings and rankings can change due to pricing and technology changes, so check back frequently for the latest info—-Edited by Darren Gladstone I PCWorld—–Review on Aug 10, 2008 3:00 pm 1. Lenovo Thinkpad X200—–Price When Reviewed: $1947 CPU: 2.4-GHz…

  • Top 5 All-Purpose Laptops 2008

    Edited by Darren Gladstone Aug 19, 2008 1:00 am These laptops can do it all and are a great choice for most notebook users. Ratings and rankings can change due to pricing and technology changes, so check back frequently for the latest info. 1. Micro Express JFL9226—–Best Buy!—–Price When Reviewed: $1299 CPU: 2.53-GHz Core 2…

  • HP COMPAQ PRESARIO V3443AU – Dream Laptop For Low Budget

    Secara nggak sengaja setelah mengunjungi link-link toko laptop, saya terdampar di sebuah website penjualan laptop. Kemudian saya klik kategori best, ternyata disekian banyak kategori “BEST LAPTOPS” notebook yang satu ini salah satu diantaranya. Padahal harganya miring diantara sederet laptop kategori high end. Setelah liat speknya ternyata, benar. Speknya oke punya, mulai dari prosesor, memory sampai…